Never thought I'd have to buy one of these!...
Today I did my LSD and used the belt for the first time. Wow have I ever been missing out! This thing is a beaut!
Last year my longest run was maybe 1:00:00 to 1:15:00 and I hardly ever drank or ate.
This year, now that my running fitness has increased and my LSD runs are pushing the 2 hr threshold (and since my long term goal is IMC'08!!) it's time I start training my body to take in the proper fluids and nutrition.
It it paid off today as I hit another PB!!
LSD run
Duration: 2:06:00
Distance: 16.0 km PB!!!
AvHR: 135 (70% MHR, zone 2)
Recovery spin
Duration: 00:30:00
Distance: 10 km
AvHR: 110 ( < 60%, recovery)
Going to take tomorrow as an active recovery day and do a mild aqua jog; just as a precaution to allow the legs to heal up from today.
Friday is calling for 15C and sunny so I'm hooking up some Tri buddies to do a 2 hr ride in the morning.