Crikey!! 64 days and a wake up 'til World's

Taking a much deserved recovery week before I start my build 2 phase of training this Sunday. I love this time of year.
After spending a long hard winter of doing the majority of my training inside (I'm a total pussy when it comes to cold weather) I'm looking forward to some Spring-like weather and getting outdoors!
Elle 3.0 arrived at the shop and she's all built up and put together! Spoke with Greg from Speed Theory and I can get in to be F.I.S.T'ed sometime next week!
I can not wait to fire it up and see what this beautiful bike is capable of.
Fitness wise I am right on target (aside from a few hiccups in March).
This is my third year in the sport and it's amazing to look back at my old training logs to see where I was 2 yrs ago compared to where I am now.
Every year builds upon the next and I am learning so much about myself and the sport from these experiences and the incredible people I'm meeting throughout this journey.
I'm finally seen some significant improvements to my freestyle stroke (notably maintaining a high elbow throughout the catch phase) and it's translating to some faster times in the pool and OMG I'm actually becoming efficient!!
Cycling... my plan to focus on the bike from Sept - Jan by maintaining a minimum 400km/month target has paid off. I'm faster and stronger on the bike then ever before and feel I'm capable of going a ~ 1:05:00 40km TT split in Vancouver.
The Run: Ug.. by far my weakest leg.. mainly due to my injuries. I'm supplementing my training with some deep water running (as I did last year) while maintaining my LSD targets.
If I can match or be very close to my 10km split from Hamburg last year (1:00:03) I will be very pleased! My goal will be to run the entire course without stopping.
Lots of goals to shoot for.. thank god there is still 64 days and a wake up to prepare!

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