It's all about the journey: Epic week on the bike

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Epic week on the bike

This was definitely a "breakthrough" week on the bike. The most volume I've ever done.. ever.

262 km!!

I have one more ride on Monday: Bike to school then hill intervals with the UCTC that should put me close to 800km total for the month!!

"Transforming" myself into a bike commuter is going to take some time. I rode to school every day this week and my legs are pretty shattered.

To top off this amazing week of riding this morning I made my way to the U of C Research Park to attend a cycling clinic put on by Trev for our team on the basics of Criterium racing and bike handling skills.

It was incredibly informative and I must say I'm a bit nervous about my first Criterium race next week!! On the first corner of the first "practice lap" this morning, a rider went down. Eeeps!!

My race strategy:
Have fun
Ride within my limitations!
Have fun
Stay to the outside!
Have fun
Stay near the back!
Have fun

It was a fun clinic and got to meet some more of my Speed Theory teammates. Really looking forward to these bicycle races!

~ la


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's days and weekend slike this that make us stronger for the fuutre after resting. Thus, has been my experience. Sleep and good food after a big weekend like this will make you stronger. Great Job Pete!

8:18 am  
Blogger Andrew Meyer said...

Great going, you are really progressing well. I would be really pleased with just 400 km for a month.

12:44 pm  

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