It's all about the journey: Easter Sunday Ride... outside!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Sunday Ride... outside!

Ahh springtime in Calgary

Hmmm what is all this white stuff?

The thaw begins!

Melt baby melt!!

Calgarians woke up to a balmy -5C Easter Sunday morning. Paul Dunphy (Local uber weatherman for Global) assured residents that this day would see sunny skies and a high of 12C.

Today is a good day to ride!

First I popped over to the Y for an easy swim. I am still nursing a shoulder injury... strained Ant Deltoid and inflamed Biceps Tendon (Long Head) thus haven't been in the pool much the past 2 months. I took things pretty easy.

1500m workout consisting of lots of drills and a few easy 50m sets.

Duration: 45 min

Raced home and waited for the weather to warm up to at least 0C before heading out. I was pretty stoked! Today I was going long.

Getting dressed for the elements I ended up putting on 4 layers + my winter cycling jacket + my ski gloves.

I ended up looked like a cheap knock off of Venom.

rock on!

See I'm so excited about riding outside today I can't even hold the camera steady!

In the end it turned out to be an amazing day! The weatherman was FINALLY right for once and it did warm up to +12C and light winds.

Thank you Paul.

My winter cycling base training is paying dividends as I hit a new PB for my 90km split!

3 hrs 9 min

....and I wasn't even in "racing mode", so I definitely have the potential for a sub 3 hr Bike split in me for Stony.

It was an amazing Easter Sunday spent outdoors in the beautiful foothills west of Calgary.

Stats from my Long Ride (yay!)

Duration: 4 hrs 12 min
Distance: 118 km
AvHR: 144 ( 73% MHR, zone 2)



Blogger Andrew Meyer said...

Ahh yes the snow. Just heard that we are supposed to get 10-15 cm tomorrow evening. Yuck!!!

8:21 pm  

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