too much wine = whine

I ended my reading break with a night of drinking copious amounts of red wine. This is unfortunate for two reasons.
1) I hardly ever drink thus I am a total light weight and usually after a couple of glasses I'm under the table.
2) Reason #1 sort of made me sleep in this morning... if you call getting up at 9am sleeping in! LOL...
I did manage to get in 1/3 of my planned Sunday workout.
Yet again another date with my best mate (CycleOps) for a 3 hr spin:
79 km
AvHR: 122 (62% MHR, zone 1)
Energy levels were a bit low and I had a headache so I bailed on the brick run. I also decided to bail on the swim to give my shoulder another day to rest.
In my last Massage Tech class we were learning how to work on Teres Major and the Lats. My partner went a bit too deep on me and fired up the tendons of insertion of said muscles.
It was very painful to medially rotate and extend my right shoulder and arm which didn't bode well for my swimming workouts. Last Sunday I had to cut my swim short because my shoulder hurt too much so I've been out of the pool ever since.

I'll start up this Tues with my swimming again and things should be fine. The shoulder feels good but a few extra days of rest out of the pool isn't going to kill me.
This week I have 16.5 hrs scheduled on top of a few midterms and an oral presentation. It's going to be a fun week! Weather should be nice too so may be able to get some outdoor rides in.
Swim 4:00 hrs
Bike 7:30 hrs
Run 3:30 hrs
Weights: 1:30 hrs
I have to laugh with you...yesterday during our 35-mile windy and hilly ride, I caught up to a couple of guys who were waiting on their buddy. Apparently the buddy had attended "Beer Fest" Saturday night, and was having a rough ride. They thought he had probably stopped to puke! Live and learn, buddy :)
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