Springtime??... ummmm

There is a saying... "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"... while that may very well be true, I'd contest that (for this year anyway) Ol'man Winter wins top honours in the furious department with no sign of letting up.
As I type this, I'm watching the 3rd round of The Masters on CBS. Ahh the course looks so beautiful, so green... now there is a colour I miss.
Seems like all we've (us Calgarians) have seen these past few months is white.
Bleh I am SO over winter.
My first cycling race of the season was canceled today because of the weather so The Speed Theory Team will have to wait one more week before we can stick it to the Crankmasters.
**insert Dr. Evil laugh here**
So tomorrow is Sunday and a bunch of us were planning to do a nice long Easter ride but unfortunately because it's still a winter wonderland outside I'll be on the trainer, in my livingroom watching the 4th round of The Masters.
Go get em Tiger. You're grrrreat

Happy Easter! :)
I know what you mean, the weather here in Ontario hasn't been much better. I hope it improves soon, I am tired of this snow and cold winds.
So you're the reason we got snow this week!! Its Spring, darnit!!! =P
Yeah for Zach Johnson!! Did you know he's from Cedar Rapids as well. He's a bog star here.
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