The coast is the most...

The past 5 days have been about recovery and I'm still taking in the experiences from last weekend.
I could hardly walk on Monday LOL but after practicing my ambulation skills the past few days I am getting around me better now!
I also can't believe how much I've eaten... constantly hungry!!! OMG
5 days of feeding has come to an end and now it's back to "normal".
I need to look forward now and focus my attention and leap frog ahead to the fall.
I'm returning to Western States Chiropractic College in Portland Oregon to restart my Chiropractic program and am leaving next week for Portland to find a place to live.
I also want to get the hell out of dodge before the craziness known as the Calgary Stampede starts! LOL ... yeah yeah some people love it, but I'm so over it! ;)
I decided to make a real trip out of this and am bringing my swim/bike/run gear and will spend 3+ weeks training and playing on the coast.
The plan calls for a quick trip out to Vancouver Island next weekend to do some riding with my friend Lisa then I'll pop down to Portland for a week to secure accommodation then it's back up to Victoria/Nanaimo for 2 weeks to train.
Maybe I can get an ocean swim in!! ;)
I'll be back in Cowtown just in time to fire it up in Canmore for Provincials on the 28/29th.
I also hope this trip out to the island is a prelude of things to come as I intend to seriously explore practice opportunities out there.
I would love to live on the coast again and am planting that seed of desire out into the Universe.
Lets see if it grows and blossoms!
I sure would like to live out in BC too. Fresh air, mild temps, great scenery.
Hope you are having a great time.
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