It's all about the journey: and the taper begins...........

Friday, June 15, 2007

and the taper begins...........

I've recovered well from the Pigeon Lake cycling race and have begun to taper for my "A" race being held next weekend. A BG World Cup Triathlon event in Edmonton.

I want to be fully rested, refreshed and ready to race come next Sunday.

If things go well next week I should have a legitimate shot to qualify for a spot to the World Championships being held in Hamburg this Sept.

The body is feeling good, the shoulder is feeling good..

I've done no swimming in the past 6 weeks to allow my shoulder to fully recover. In addition to heaps of self care (rubber tubing strengthening, stretching... stretching.. RoM exercises) I had a soft tissue Tx done last weekend. The shoulder is ready.

My last swim TT (pool) was in Feb where I did 1500m in ~ 29 min so I'm hoping to hit around the 30 min mark next week (wet suit assisted).

My goals for the race:

Personal goals:
To really enjoy the experience, take in the atmosphere, meet some cool people and use this event as a celebration of how life has come full circle for me.

Swim: ~ 30 min
T1: < 3 min
Bike: ~1 hr 15 min
T2: < 2 min
Run: ~ 1 hr 15 min

My super target is a sub 3 hr time but honestly I'll be happy to finish the event with my legs still feeling good...

oh and and qualify for Hamburg. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey good luck Pete. Hope all goes well.

10:15 pm  
Blogger Andrew Meyer said...

Yes, best of luck Pete. Looking forward to a race report too.

6:15 am  

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