It's all about the journey: March 2006

Friday, March 31, 2006

Oiy!.... it's IMOZ!!

I am very blessed to have two nationalities. My mother is Australian and my father is Canadian. I was born in Edmonton, raised in Calgary and am a bonified Canuck! I'm also an Australian citizen and feel a deep and special connection to that wonderful country, a country that is my second home as all my immediate family live Down Under. Growing up I spent many summers in Australia and one day I will probably end up moving there to be closer to my family.

So, I just have to raise my glass to all the participants in this years IMAustralia, being held on Sunday (or Saturday on this side of the pond). Tear it up mates!

Speaking of races, my first Triathlon is in 9 days. YIKES!! Tomorrow is my recovery day so I'm going to drive the bike and run course and check everything out. It's going to be such a fun event but as it's my first race in oooh, 9 yrs I'm treating it as my first race ever and don't want to injure myself. I know I'll succumb to the adrenaline rush and will drop the hammer on the bike but I really want to save my legs and put in a good run so that will be my focus: Maintain a high RPM cadence on the bike and don't get sucked into pushing a huge gear slowly ie 53/12 LOL.

I made a slight change to my training schedule too. Next week I start my Triathlon swimming club workouts: 6am- 7am Tuesdays and Thursdays. My LSD run is now on Wed and Friday's will see a short swim, spin class then a short run. My long swim and long bike are still on Sunday. Actually, I recently joined a cycling club (Elbow Valley Cycle Club) and will partake in their Sunday group rides which start in a few weeks. It should be a fun way to increase my cycling endurance.

I am pretty committed to completing an Ironman distance in 2008 (hell why not do IMOZ!!!) so I am treating this year as building a solid endurance base and remaining injury free.

Train smart, rest well and kick ass on the day!!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

LSD run + new weight training program = 1 tired Peter

So today I hit two new PB's.

I did my first LSD (Long Slow Distance) run and covered about 7 km in 1 hr. This is the furthest and longest I've ran since being hit so I am quite pleased. I made a concerted effort to keep my heart rate in zone 2 (my AV HR was 123) but had to keep one eye on my HR monitor and the other eye on my running pace. Geesh it's hard to keep a slow steady pace!! My legs just wanted to go LOL, but I kept them on a leash. It's not called Long... SLOW ... Distance for nothing!!

I should also talk about the session I had with my personal trainer Jared. First, let me say he is awesome! He put together an amazing weight training program for me which is really going to help transform my body. I'll be using many fun toys such as a bosu ball, exercise ball, fit pads and rocker/wobble boards to strengthen my legs and correct some muscle imbalances. We went through each of my 2 workouts today (I'll be "lifting" 2 times a week for about 45 min) and man I was sore!!! Good sore though. :)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

eating is a good thing

I did something pretty silly today. I forgot to eat after my swim and proceeded to bonk hardcore about 40 min into my spin class. It was an awesome swim by the way! Anyhow.... how the hell can I forget to eat!!! Oh wait, I know... I was a social chatter bug and got side tracked LOL. Well I made up for it after my class and inhaled a bananna, about a cup of yogurt and a few shots of Gu before my outdoor ride.
I love Gu.
I could live off of Gu.
Gu is gud.

Speaking of food, I practiced eating a Cliff Bar on the bike. Geez, it's brutally hard to eat on the bike with a stuffed up nose. Chew, breathe, chew, breathe, drink, breathe. Arrrg!!!

Haha, it's all good though. I rode outside today. Life is gu gud.

Monday, March 27, 2006

IMC 2008????

Something pretty amazing happened during my early morning swim yesterday. First let me say I can't think of a better way to start a Sunday then to be in the pool doing lengths by 7:15am. Ahh but I digress....

I had the pleasure of sharing a lane with an amazing woman. Now I'll be quick to point out that she's happily married... BUT.. as my Aussie brother in law would say.. "she's elite!". Anyhow, we got to taking and she telling me about her IMC adventures last year and casually mentions, "oh and I qualified for Kona but couldn't go because of the wedding." Damn girl, you have unfinished business!!

Another guy stops for a break on the wall and joins in the conversation, "yeah I've done about 14 IM's but haven't qualified for Kona... yet!" I'm standing there in the water just in awe looking at these two amazing people. There is something unique about a person who's completed an IM. Such an experience is truly a life changing event. The quiet reserved confidence and the positive energy of an IM "finisher" is something that really resonates with me.

It's through adversity and overcoming tough challenges wherein we learn the true nature of ourselves.

So this got me thinking last night: One day, why can't I do an IM? Is that not a realistic goal? I think it is realistic if I continue to train smart, plan accordingly and use the next two years as a build up both mentally and physically... I could.. no let me rephrase, I can do it!

IMC 2008... could this be where my path leads me?

Anyhow, listing my fitness report and will compare at the end of this 4 week training cycle.
RHR: 54 bpm
Weight: 79.4 kg
Body Fat: 11% (7 site fat caliper test)

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Time to kick it up a notch

I think I've finally kicked this cold and my strength is coming back by leaps and bounds. I'm feeling fricking awesome and it's perfect timing too because today is the last day of my "step-back" (-40% volume) week! Tomorrow I begin my new Olympic Distance training program and on Thursday I meet with my personal trainer at the Y to go over my new "Tri-specific" weight training program. I'm really excited!! We're going to really focus on strengthening my legs. He's hoping to get three 45 min weight training sessions in per week which may be a stretch but I'll give it a go.

My new Olympic Distance program involves training 6 days a week, each disipline 3 times a week. I'm thinking of removing my "short run day" and incorporating it into a brick workout so I may have another day of rest from the Tri training. My longest week is only 11 hrs so it should be manageable. Next weekend I'm getting my NCCP Level 1 Technical Road Cycling Coaching certificate which should not only help with my cycling skills, but will make me a better Spinning instructor.

I'll be officially "Keiser bike" certified on May 7th which will allow me to teach at the Y. I'm also getting my water fitness instructors certificate at the end of April and will be teaching some deep H20 classes this spring/summer at the Y. Then, I'll be teaching Spinning classe at Cardel Place on Tuesday nights too. Cripes I'm going to have a busy summer!!! Teaching Spinning classes at the Y and Cardel, then H20 fitness classes too!

HMMM I see some overtraining on my horizon LOL. I will need to be careful. My trainer "banned" me from even setting foot in the Y on Monday's. Monday's are my recovery day. I am to do nothing Tri or weight training or core related LOL. I can do my yoga though! :)

Goals I want to hit by the end of this new 4 week training cycle:
1) Strengthen my outdoor riding skills (handling, cornering, confidence etc)
2) During my long outdoor rides try to work towards an AV speed of 30 km/h
3) Build up my swimming endurance and swim 750m continuously.
4) Don't get hurt at the MRC Sprint Tri on April 9th. It's a learning experience so treat it as such. Time DOES NOT MATTER!!!. Use this race to find out what works and what doesn't.
5) Be able to run 10k in under 60 min. (super target)
6) To cherish my training sessions for the wonderful gift they are and live every day to its fullest.
7) To keep believing and trusting in my path and know that my journey in Triathlon and self discovery is just beginning.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

I'm all smiles today

There is something special about the moments leading up to a ride. Putting on your shoes, fastening your helmet, cinching up your gloves and that final adjustment of the sun glasses.

Yes, I am ready to mount up.....

opps it's sunny out.. now where did I put that SPF 40?

My face hurts from smiling so much yesterday. Calgary saw a foggy chilly morning turn into a gorgeous sunny day, a perfect day for a bike ride.

Around mid morning I hit the pool and just focused on balance drills. I'm still a tad congested so I'm making a concerted effort to ease back into routine. Yes I am listening to my body! After the swim I eagerly geared up for my ride. I put on a few layers and wore a skull cap under my helmet to keep warm.... I do not want to get sick again.

Mounted up and off I went. My first thought was damn these tires are thin LOL. It took me a few min to find my balance. I had them at about 120 psi and they wanted to roll. After finding my balance I ditched my mental training wheels and opened her up.

Let me sum up my ride in a few words..... Crickey this bike is fast. LOL My Roo is light. Full carbon frame, cranks, wheels...... everything on this bike is designed and built for one thing.


Maybe it's just mental but I feel faster just sitting on this bike versus my road bike, which is a nice bike in its own right; a carbon framed Scott CR1.

I was only out for about 45 min and logged in around 20km, mostly just scooting around the Arbour Lake community practicing my handling and cornering skills. I did open her up on Stony Trail and then back tracked up Nose Hill Dr (looong ass climb) to the Y. It was a great first ride on my QR.

I can't wait until this "step-back" week is over and I can start my new Olympic Distance training program next week. That's going to take my training to the next level.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Back in the saddle...

Ahh it feels so good to have the energy and mental fortitude to finally put in two good workout days back to back. I'm easing into it so as not to P.O my body and have it revert into a sickened state.

That said, LOL.... I really want to ramp it up tomorrow for my swim/bike workout. It's going to be a balmy 3C here and I'm tempted... oh SO very tempted after my morning swim, to unleash my Quintana Roo onto the streets of Calgary.

Well even if I can just find some empty space in the Y parking lot where I can practice some cornering that would be cool too.
I'm a n00b again and I'll assume my handling skills are too. LOL

Either way, my first race is in 2.5 weeks and I haven't even ridden my Roo (her name is Elle btw) outside yet!

So yes, it's time to get back in the saddle and tomorrow is the day. I'll probably have to move my early morning swim to a "mid-morning" as it should be a bit warmer to ride by then. I hate riding in the cold but I'll break out my cold weather gear just so I don't get sick again!

It's going to be 14C here on Friday!!!! /schwing!

Friday, March 17, 2006

The body knows best...

Happy St Patrick's Day!

I don't own any green clothing but I sure do feel green today.
Man I hate being sick. It's my own bloody fault though LOL. I should have taken a full recovery day on Monday after my race but nooo I had to swim and lift weights then I did a killer brick workout on Tuesday (60 min spin class, 48 min run). Opps, that was a bit wee too much and my body laid down the hammer on Wed forcing me to rest.

I'm not sure what I had but it knocked me flat on my back yesterday. Every time I tried to get up I would become very light headed and almost fainted once or twice. Oppsy daisy...., sorry body I will listen to you a bit more closely now. LOL

Don Cherry would be proud I'm inhaling my Cold-FX in the hopes this virus will literally bugger off!"I take it every day!!"

No worries though mates, I'll be taking the next two days off to recoup. Next week is my "step-back" week (-40% reduction in volume) so it will give me a chance to ease back into the groove before I kick it up a notch on March 27th when I begin my Olympic Distance training program. I'm DYING to get into the pool though, crickey it's been 4 days and I miss it. Gotta get well before entering the pool though.

My first Tri is only a few short weeks away and I'm going to be nervous (the bike course has LOTS of cornering) so it's important to be mentally and physically sharp. My goal at the MRC Sprint is just to gain experience and I don't want to get hurt so my focus over the next few weeks is to maintain my health by not getting sick again and to keep my mental focus. Yes yes and to listen to my body when it says, REST!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

A new goal set forth

As we travel though our path in life, events can come along that have the potential to redefine us. Events come along that change the way we see ourselves and forces us to re-evaluate our physical and mental capabilities.

I was fortunate to have such a moment happen this past Sunday. I am still in shock and awe at posting such an amazing (for me) time in that 5k race. Over the past few days I've experienced an "enlightenment" of sorts. Back in January when I first started this journey, I was just happy to participate because I was unsure of my abilities and I was scared of venturing into the unknown environment of racing again.

I've shown myself I am not only physically stronger then originally thought, but my abilities and potential in the sport of Triathlon could far exceed my wildest expectations.

I've come to the realization that not only will I just participate, I will excel!! My passion for this sport is growing and my spirit is being filled up with such positive energy from this experience.

Someone very close and dear to me recently told me that,” One knows they are on the right path when opportunities keep opening up and presenting themselves."

I've been presented with an incredible opportunity to compete under an AWAD classification (Athletes With A Disability) at an ITU World Cup Olympic Distance race July 9th in Edmonton, AB. This race could potentially qualify me for the Canadian National Team to compete as an AWAD at the World Championships on Sept 2nd in Lausanne, Switzerland.

For years I believed that opportunities were closed off or I couldn't succeed in life because of my "disability". Finally healing my mind and spirit has opened me up to life and opportunities are presenting themselves where I least expected them.

Life is truly a gift and every day is to be cherished to its fullest.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I love the smell of BENGAY in the morning!!

So I'm still basking in the post race glow from Sunday. What an amazing experience and it was such a fun way to kick off the season!

Now I knew this was my first event using my "new" legs so I planned my post race recovery well in advance. I paid a visit to my massage therapist Tammy yesterday for some TLC on my sore legs. She is a brilliant person who is also a Triathlete and training hard for IM Couer d'Alene (She'll do great!). She specializes in sports massage so I was in good hands... literally! LOL

I made sure to drink lots of water yesterday and forced myself to eat heaps of food. The body needs fuel to recover too! I woke up this morning with some mild stiffness still present but nothing too severe. I was really afraid of getting DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) , the bad kind of sore, from my fast pace on Sunday but I'm feeling pretty damn good.

I felt so good in fact that I joined my mates Jim and Duane for a 45 min run before spin class. It was a pretty easy pace but we did the Arbour Lake Triathlon Run course which is all fricking up hill! LOL oh well at least the final 10 min was downhill.. with a breeze on our backs. ;)

Spin class was a bitch though. Crickey! I just couldn't find my legs and the final 10 min I just had to spin at road tension as I had nothing left. Looks like I need to incorporate some brick training into my schedule which I knew was coming. I've only done 2 brick workouts since beginning this journey and they were pretty short and sweet. I think Tuesday will be my token brick day from here on out. That may change if I can get into the Summer session for the UofC Tri Club.

Now, where did I put that Bengay....

Sunday, March 12, 2006

9:59 am

It's a beautiful winter morning in Calgary and the cold brisk air is biting into my cheeks. I have butterflies in my tummy. The person beside me looks a bit nervous too and we start making small talk about the cold weather this morning and what a nice day it's turning out to be. I'm jumping in place, shaking my legs, doing anything to keep warm. I look at my watch, 9:59am. One minute to start the St. Patrick's Day 5km race.

Organizers cleverly added another 300m so it was really a 5.3km race!

The starter is saying something in his blow horn but I can't hear him. I'm what you would call a BOP runner (Back of the pack). Wow, I'm a runner!! There is a noun I never thought I'd use to describe myself again. Here I am though, anxiously waiting to begin my first race in 9 years. My first race since being hit. I'm about to run into the unknown, but I AM RUNNING!

The next thing I know the pack begins to move and I'm off. The sight of people running en masse in truly awe inspiring. SO many people from so many different walks of life, each running for their own personal reasons.

As we wind our way along the outskirts of the U of C campus there are some volunteers and spectators lining the course, cheering us on.

Before I knew it we were at the 1km mark and I check my watch. 6 min! HOLY CRAP. I'm coming out way too fast. I thought at best if I could break a 10 min/km pace I'd be ecstatic, yet here I am at 6 min/km!!

I slow my pace down just a bit and do a mental check on my legs, knee, and most importantly my left foot and ankle. Everything seems fine, and I feel great. My foot is a bit stiff but it hasn't gone numb yet. Good sign! I decide to kick my pace up a notch. I CAN DO THIS!

I have the biggest smile on my face and am savoring every second of this experience. Every stride and every breath is reaffirmation that I am following the right path on this wonderful journey back to a normal life.

I hit the 4km mark and my legs are beginning to burn; more specifically my hip flexors. Hold on a second, my ankle and knee are still feeling fine. Where is the discomfort and numbness I was afraid of? I decide to kick my pace up a notch.

The final 300m and I let it all out. Balls to the walls, this is it! There are people cheering and the finish line is in sight! My entire world, my entire existence became about reaching that finish line.

I crossed the line and looked up at the clock. At that instant, my entire outlook and perspective about what I could accomplish with my disability was forever redefined.


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

At the end of the rainbow....a new chapter begins

It's getting close to race day.
My first race (running or Tri) in almost 9 years is only days away. A year ago.. hell, even 6 months ago I would never have foreseen myself participating in races again.

For all these many years since being hit on my bicycle I held true to the belief that I couldn't do anything physically demanding because "I was disabled". I was terrified of running because of the injuries to my foot and ankle. I was terrified, absolutely terrified at the thought of even riding a bicycle outside on the road again. I was almost killed by a semi on my bicycle, why tempt fate by riding outside again?

It was only after months of working though the painful emotional trauma still haunting me from the accident and finally gaining acceptance of what happened whereby I achieved a state of grace and emotional and spiritual healing. My mind was set free and I was no longer stuck on that day, under the truck. My mind was set free and that has made all the difference, opening me up to a life I never thought possible.

I am no longer dreaming about the life I want. I am living it!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Oh what a feeling!!

I reached two very important milestones today.

1) I had hands down THE best swim ever since returning to the pool 5 weeks ago. I don't know if it's from all the balance drills I've been doing lately or if it's the "Total Immersion" mindset that I've adopted. Whatever the reason, it's working.

Today I felt so comfortable in the water and felt incredibly balanced with my body rolls. It's amazing the amount of power one can generate with a properly timed and coordinated body roll. I hardly experienced any triceps and shoulder/back muscle fatigue. Today, for the first time it actually felt as though I was "swimming downhill".

2) After my swim I hit the indoor track and posted a new pb. In about 46 min I covered 5.2 km . Not only is this the longest distance I've ran since my last Triathlon in '97, but this is the longest I've ran since my accident. The doctors thought I would never walk again and not only did I relearn how to walk but I'm fricking running again! My left ankle (which was crushed in the accident) did give me some issues during the last 10 min, but I know in time it will get better.

I can now run 5 km. If I can run 5 km, I can run 10 km.