Oh what a feeling!!

1) I had hands down THE best swim ever since returning to the pool 5 weeks ago. I don't know if it's from all the balance drills I've been doing lately or if it's the "Total Immersion" mindset that I've adopted. Whatever the reason, it's working.
Today I felt so comfortable in the water and felt incredibly balanced with my body rolls. It's amazing the amount of power one can generate with a properly timed and coordinated body roll. I hardly experienced any triceps and shoulder/back muscle fatigue. Today, for the first time it actually felt as though I was "swimming downhill".
2) After my swim I hit the indoor track and posted a new pb. In about 46 min I covered 5.2 km . Not only is this the longest distance I've ran since my last Triathlon in '97, but this is the longest I've ran since my accident. The doctors thought I would never walk again and not only did I relearn how to walk but I'm fricking running again! My left ankle (which was crushed in the accident) did give me some issues during the last 10 min, but I know in time it will get better.
I can now run 5 km. If I can run 5 km, I can run 10 km.
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