I love the smell of BENGAY in the morning!!

So I'm still basking in the post race glow from Sunday. What an amazing experience and it was such a fun way to kick off the season!
Now I knew this was my first event using my "new" legs so I planned my post race recovery well in advance. I paid a visit to my massage therapist Tammy yesterday for some TLC on my sore legs. She is a brilliant person who is also a Triathlete and training hard for IM Couer d'Alene (She'll do great!). She specializes in sports massage so I was in good hands... literally! LOL
I made sure to drink lots of water yesterday and forced myself to eat heaps of food. The body needs fuel to recover too! I woke up this morning with some mild stiffness still present but nothing too severe. I was really afraid of getting DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) , the bad kind of sore, from my fast pace on Sunday but I'm feeling pretty damn good.
I felt so good in fact that I joined my mates Jim and Duane for a 45 min run before spin class. It was a pretty easy pace but we did the Arbour Lake Triathlon Run course which is all fricking up hill! LOL oh well at least the final 10 min was downhill.. with a breeze on our backs. ;)
Spin class was a bitch though. Crickey! I just couldn't find my legs and the final 10 min I just had to spin at road tension as I had nothing left. Looks like I need to incorporate some brick training into my schedule which I knew was coming. I've only done 2 brick workouts since beginning this journey and they were pretty short and sweet. I think Tuesday will be my token brick day from here on out. That may change if I can get into the Summer session for the UofC Tri Club.
Now, where did I put that Bengay....
Before I did my tri, I did some spin class at the Y. They are brutal. Make me sweat a lot. But it was well worth it.
My spin class was an hour long. The bike leg for my tri is also an hour long (30 km). Conincidence? I am sure the spin class help me get my leg in shape.
hehe hey Libor! Yesterday my body did fell pretty old! ROFL cheers mate!
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