eating is a good thing

I did something pretty silly today. I forgot to eat after my swim and proceeded to bonk hardcore about 40 min into my spin class. It was an awesome swim by the way! Anyhow.... how the hell can I forget to eat!!! Oh wait, I know... I was a social chatter bug and got side tracked LOL. Well I made up for it after my class and inhaled a bananna, about a cup of yogurt and a few shots of Gu before my outdoor ride.
I love Gu.
I could live off of Gu.
Gu is gud.
Speaking of food, I practiced eating a Cliff Bar on the bike. Geez, it's brutally hard to eat on the bike with a stuffed up nose. Chew, breathe, chew, breathe, drink, breathe. Arrrg!!!
Haha, it's all good though. I rode outside today. Life is gu gud.
on the bike i won't eat clif bar either. Too much chewing. I take carb-boom.
I don't know if Gu comes in bulk. Carb-boom comes in a big bottle liek 22 gel. I would take one in the morning before i work out. Works great.
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