LSD run + new weight training program = 1 tired Peter

So today I hit two new PB's.
I did my first LSD (Long Slow Distance) run and covered about 7 km in 1 hr. This is the furthest and longest I've ran since being hit so I am quite pleased. I made a concerted effort to keep my heart rate in zone 2 (my AV HR was 123) but had to keep one eye on my HR monitor and the other eye on my running pace. Geesh it's hard to keep a slow steady pace!! My legs just wanted to go LOL, but I kept them on a leash. It's not called Long... SLOW ... Distance for nothing!!
I should also talk about the session I had with my personal trainer Jared. First, let me say he is awesome! He put together an amazing weight training program for me which is really going to help transform my body. I'll be using many fun toys such as a bosu ball, exercise ball, fit pads and rocker/wobble boards to strengthen my legs and correct some muscle imbalances. We went through each of my 2 workouts today (I'll be "lifting" 2 times a week for about 45 min) and man I was sore!!! Good sore though. :)
I have done those runs before...yes they are awfully slow.
It does a lot in building the aerobic machine. I can't wait till this summer and see the results.
Good advice thanks mate! It was my first effort at a LSD run and I really enjoyed it, even though it was hella hard to maintain such a slow pace. I'm feeling it today though. Good sore though :)
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