It's all about the base baby

I'm lovin it!
Après New Year = All your BASE are belong to us TRAINING time baby!
After enjoying a nice 5 day recovery window I'm ready to kick it up a notch for this next 3 week training block. It's a pretty simple schedule actually Ride, ride and ride... oh did I mention ride? :)
I do miss training for triathlon as I love being in the pool, but focusing on bike racing this season is allowing me to "play" 5-6 days a week on the bike; something I haven't been able to do in previous years.
My next 3 week block will resemble something like this: Mon: weights, 1 hr ride (hill intervals) | Tues: 2 hr ride | Wed: active recovery day/recovery day | Thurs 3 hr ride | Fri: weights, 1 hr ride (hill intervals) | Sat: 2 hr ride | Sun: 4 hr LSD ride
I'm not too worried about distance and intensity right now as the main focus is continuing to build my base (we are in the winter base period right? hehe) so I'll be focusing on time. For this block I'll be shooting for 10 hrs on the bike in week 1, building up to 13-14 hrs by week 3.
My 2009 race season is starting to take shape. The first cycling race will be sometime in April (date TBA) and I'll be adding more events to my calendar as dates become available.
One event I am confirmed for is the Calgary Police 5km road race. I'll most likely be walking it as running is still a pita for my left foot. It will be a fun event none the less.