Jet lagged.... to hell

Made it home on Labour Day safe and sound! The flight was "long as" and it's almost impossible to get any decent sleep sitting in those airplane seats.
Needless to say I am jet lagged.. to hell! Woke up at 12:30pm today after sleeping for 13 hrs!
I stayed up late last night to watch RockStar: Supernova (that show rocks!!! VOTE FOR TOBY!! THE AUSSIE!).

So do ya think being jet lagged would stop me from getting in some training? No way!
It was a beautiful "end of summer's" day here in Calgary so I gathered my bike and run gear and did a nice ez brick workout. Ahh it feels SO good riding my Cervélo again let me tell ya! I've missed her heaps.
I also have a new addition to my Cervélo family that I purchased a week before leaving for Aus. More on that later! :)
Good to be home and really looking forward to spending the next 3 months training and building a solid base. I'm heading back down to AUS Dec 15th for Christmas! Yay!