Running along The Strand in Townsville, Queensland AustraliaHard to believe I've been Down Under for about a month now. It's been a fabulous trip thus far spending quality time with friends and family.
It's even harder to believe that in 2.5 weeks I'm flying home and shortly thereafter I begin Massage Therapy School!! Yikes!!
My time Down Under has allowed me to fully rest and let my body recover from over training and crashing so hard in June. I was pretty sick mates let me tell ya.
That was then and right now, I am feeling awesome! Moreover, I have a burning desire to train again!
This time though I am training smarter and am setting realistic expectations with next years racing season and what my body can handle.
I am going to focus on Sprints and Olympic distances.
I am going to do no more then one race a month.
I am going to stick with ONE training program and not change programs every few weeks.
I am going to keep close track of my training logs to ensure I don't overtrain again.
I am going to spend this fall working on building a solid bike and run base. Low and Slow.
Low and Slow
Speaking of which, I've begun the base phase of my training. Considering I haven't done any significant training since the end of May, I guess you could say I've been in my "Transitional" phase now for almost 3 months.
Yay!! The body is finally feeling "normal" and I've started training again!!!... low and slow.
Low and Slow.. good mantra for me.