
Hmmmm......not much to report since my last blog entry. Aside from watching heaps of Footy!!
I'm pretty much over my cold and feel quite rested up which is a good thing considering I totally over trained in the month of May and ran myself into the ground. Today was my first day back exercising in 2 weeks. 2 Weeks!!! Blimey!!
In fact I've worked out exactly 2 days (incl today) all month!
Anyhoot, it was a brilliant 14 day rest as my energy levels are coming back and my mental health is much better too. I can actually look at my bike now without cringing! LOL
Talk about an extreme taper!!
Considering my 1/2 Ironman is this Saturday it was probably the best thing that could happen to me.
In the end the body always gets it's way.
It's been an amazing journey up to this point and I've learned some very important lessons. The most important being: Rest/Recovery. I have two more races in Aug and once I've taken a proper recovery from my 1/2 IM I aim to train intelligently for the remainder of the summer.
Overtraining sucks and I'm going to ensure I never run myself into the ground like this again.
Lesson learned! *the hard way*
In the mean time it's back to watching footy.
Kick butt on HIM this weekend..I look forward on hearing your race report :)
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