J'ai frappé un mur de brique

O la la, Je suis très fatigué!!!!
I'm so tired I can't even speak Engrish!!! LOL
The common warning signs of overtraining include the following:
- Mild leg soreness, general achiness
- Pain in muscles & joints
- Washed-out feeling, tired, drained, lack of energy
- Sudden drop in ability to run ‘normal’ distance or times
- Insomnia
- Headaches
- Inability to relax, twitchy, fidgety
- Insatiable thirst, dehydration
- Lowered resistance to common illnesses; colds, sore throat, etc.
Subsequently I've really notched things down this past week, including a nice rest last weekend (the weather was shite anyhow!).
I'm feeling a bit better, not quite as mentally and physically drained but my legs are sore. The soreness could be attributed to the new PB I hit during my LSD run yesterday.. 1 hr 45 min WOOOT!!!!
So I experienced an epiphany over the weekend.
It's not the racing I enjoy so much... it's THE TRAINING I love!!!!!!! Subsequently, I've completely revamped and reduced my race schedule for the summer. New schedule is in the sidebar.
Keeping in mind my long term goal of completing an Ironman distance I am focusing on my 1/2 IM races this summer.
My Massage Therapy program will be completed by the 3rd week in Aug 2007, SO.... IMC'07 is doable if it's something I want to commit to whilest in school.
We shall see!
oooh oooh IMC 07!! I might sign up for that one, too... :-)
"It's the training I love". That is so true. Looks like a great schedule of events. IMC07 huh? Maybe...
Good luck this weekend. :) That's still a quite a schedule.
Peter...do u want the clif bars? I am buying them now. Email me and i will bounce u what i think how mcuh they cost. The hard part is that u live on the west end. So to ship it over will be added cost
Check this site out.
www.sndcanada.com Right now for 50 bucks order and above they ship it to you express for 5.25...second...last time i bought from them, they didn't charge me PST. Just GST.
IMC is definitely doable :)....yes I have experience traiing os hard.
My first sympton is when i get stress out. That's when I know i am pushing too hard and/or too fast.
hey Cliff thanks mate! Didn't see this reply until now (June 7th) I'll check out the site! Don't eat all the bars at once!! I do that from time to time! LOL
cheers mate
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