My world is flat.. literally! :)

It must be karma. I've flatted 2x this week since getting my first flat in almost 10 yrs during my 155km ride see here.
Tuesday, flatted about 1 km from my home. Yesterday, on the return leg from riding out to Elbow Falls I flatted about 10 km outside Bragg Creek.
Now my first flat from last weeks epic ride was a strong HISSSSSS. Tuesday's and yesterday's flat was more of a mushy bumpy flat.
You know the kind, it sort of feels like you're riding on one of these...

Bumpity, bumpity bumpity...... mush.....
Now you would think that after my flat on Tuesday I would've taken my tire off and checked the rim and the tire proper. But noooo... I just did a quick rub with my fingers and just changed the tube. bleh.
Well it finally sunk after yesterday's flat.
So I says to myself.. "self I says".. you have a foriegn object(s) stuck in either A) your rim or B) your tire. What's your guess?!!
Oh what a sexah rim!

Ok the rim looks good, lets check the inside. Looks pretty good to me!

Let's check the tire!

A ha!! gotcha you little bugger!

Lesson learned. Check the damn tire noob!
It must be bad tire karma week... I rarely get flats either, and got 2 this week as well (3 sorta). One riding into work when I was already going to be about 10-15 minutes late for a meeting (got there 25 minutes late). One when I was already cutting it close to make the train home (I made it with 2.5 min to spare). And one must have been a slow leak during the race last weekend (got out the tri bike and got to change yet another tire).
ok that's it.. I blame you Kylie for all my flats!! *kidding!!* ;)
On the up side, we're flat fixing, tire changing pros now eh!? and it's still pretty early in the season!
here's to better karma this week. :)
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