What a day!!

I was pretty excited last night and went to bed early, or at least tried too and was up at 4:30am. I tossed and turned but I kept thinking about IMAZ and www.CanadianTriathlete.ca forum member VTIRON who is competing in it today. Good luck mate, hope the race is going well (you're probably still racing as I write this!)
So after humming and hawing about Ironman I decided it was time to get up..... 5:30am. Ug, it's going to be a long day, but a good day!
I love breakfast, it's by far my favorite meal of the day. Today was just like every other day. Breakfast of Champions! Muslix and milk.. with a dash of protein powder thrown in. :) Today I had two bowls. Gotta fuel up!

Since I was a keener and laid all my gear out last night I had lots of time to comtemplate which sports drink I should take with me today. Hmmm.. now which one should I choose??

I ended up choosing poorly because I experienced some bad stomach cramps during my run.. more on that later! :) Beer at 6am is a bad thing? who knew! (just kidding)
I made my way up to the Y for some pre, pre race stretching, just to work the kinks out. I'm feeling pretty good, a bit nervous but excited at the same time. :)
I pick Matt up (another www.CanadianTriathlte.ca member) and we make our way to MRC to register, get body marked and set up our transition area. We have some time to kill so I have a moment to pose with "Elle".
She served me well today. I clocked the 17.5 km bike leg in 29 min 45 sec, Av Spd: 35.3 km/h. I hit one of my goals. I rocked on the bike!

The race begins at 10:45am but I'm in the 4th swim heat, meaning I have almost an hour to kill. This is where my nutrition/hydration plan fell short. I made two mistakes. 1) I didn't drink nearly enough during the morning in the hours leading up to the event. 2) I ate TWO cliff bars around 10:15am and because of mistake (1) and the fact I didn't hydrate on the bike, my run was a tad uncomfortable for my GI tract. LOL
Lesson learned. Drink the water fool!!
The swim went great. I didn't expend too much energy and tried to remain efficient. I actually had a few folks comment on my "nice and clean" entry after the race. Score one for TI. There is much work to be done on my stroke though..
The bike was awesome, just what I wanted to accomplish.
The run was a biaytch! It wasn't until around the 4km mark when my legs began to feel "normal".
Lesson learned. More brick workouts are needed.
Post race pic, basking in the glory!

It was a great event and I feel so very blessed to have both the physical and mental health and wellness to participate in the sport of Triathlon again.
The first baby step towards competing in an Ironman was taken today. :)
What are those Big Red energy drinks in your fridge? That must be your secret :)....
Great pre and post pics....it looks like u barely broke a sweat :D
I just read the MRC sprint blog. I forgot all about that Canadian Triathlete site. I'll have to see if my account is still up and running. You have made quite the progress over the last 2 years. Godd job Pete.
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