FĂștbol gooooaaaaal!!!!!!

Flying high up in the sky
the St George flag flying high
from Wemb-er-ly to Germany
keep the St George flag flying high
the St George flag flying high
from Wemb-er-ly to Germany
keep the St George flag flying high
Ahh one of the beuties about being sick (yeah I am STILL sick!!) is that I have heaps of time to relax and watch World Cup Football.
Got a bit of a scare yesteday when England went to sleep in the 2nd half and let Paraguay back into the match.
Luckily the boys came though with a 1 - nil victory. *whew*
So I'm just taking it one day at a time, trying to get lots of sleep and keeping my fluids up. The body is sure enjoying this rest and hopefully I'm not losing too much fitness.
If I do, no worries I'll just enjoy my training that much more! That's the part I really like anyway! :)
In the meantime, it's back to watching the beautiful game...................
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