My journey ends...

My 2006 Triathlon season has come to an end.
After trying to do a few easy spins on the bike this week and a couple short (20 min) runs, it is apparent that my health still hasn't fully recovered from being so sick in June. I finally broke down and saw a doctor.
Basically I've ran myself into the ground big time and my body won't let me get back into a "regular" training schedule. I'm still suffering from overtraining syndrome.
Doc's orders... you're done. Give you body at least a month of solid rest and recovery.
He told me the rest I took in June was beneficial to get over the respiratory viral infection I had but it did little to aid my body recover from the effects of my overtraining in May.
It's over.
I truly believe each time a door closes a new one opens. In this particular case I am going for Australia to visit my family for the rest of the summer.
This is my last blog entry until September.
To those who have read and left comments on my blog over the past 4 months, thank you so much for your support and kind words. Best of luck with the rest of your respective race seasons!
G'day mates
Your title is wrong..your journey ain't is just delay...wait until next year..
Until then..enjoy down south :)..
Yeah totally not over... just on pause :-) Or maybe even still going, just in rest phase. Have a good trip!
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