Happy Thanksgiving!

I love Thanksgiving. Turkey, sweet potatoes, yams, stuffing, more turkey, more yams more stuffing and of course... dessert. Pecan and Pumpkin pie! YUMMY.
Eating all this food is good because after last week's training my body needed the weekend to recover.
I decided to two full days of recovery over the weekend in lieu of starting Day 1 of Jared's (my trainer) new weight program on Friday. To be honest I think I'm still recovering from the 110Km ride the group and I did on Sept 30th
Anyhow, my new weight program consists of 2 days. Day 1 on Monday and Day 2 on Friday. It's bloody challenging and of course Jared, being the ingenious trainer he is, has me using a Bosu Ball and supersetting every exercise.
Oh Bosu Ball.. how I love thee!

Today was an active recovery day. Just a 60 min spin on the bike then some Yoga.
Distance 20km
AvHR: 122 (62% MHR, Zone 1)
Tomorrow it is back to "reality". In the pool at 5:30am with the Tri Group then a 5km run at lunch.
On a side note. I had a job interview last week at Lululemon and well.. I got the Job... I'll be working part time about 16-20 hrs a week!
Congrats on getting the job.
Hmm 110 km sounds awfully good.I am taking off season so no bikey for me :(
Heya Pete :) Somehow I happened to stumble across your blog here - I couldn't believe it was actually you :)
Sounds like you're really doing well and have accomplished quite a bit over the past year or so. Congrats on everything :)
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