Sat + Sunday = mental health days

What pray tell is a mental health day? Well you need several things.
1) Cheesecake or anything sweet to eat and lots of it!
2) Several movies. In my case, I rented 16 blocks (hated it! LOL), FireWall and Lucky Number Slevin.
3) A clear schedule so you can kick back, relax and rejuvenate.
I took all of yesterday off completely. I did JS except eat cake, drink milk and watch movies.... ALL FRICKING DAY! LOL... it was awesome!
Woke up this morning feeling mentally refreshed although my tummy was a tad "upset" from all the sweets LOL . No matter... I burned off a few calories this morning with a leisurely Sunday brick workout.
25 km bike AvHR: 115 (58% MHR, < zone 1)
3.5 km run AvHR: 124 (63% MHR, zone 1)
I am really looking forward to December. Next Sunday I'm attending the Alberta Triathlon Associations first meeting of the '07 session where I'm on the board of directors as a "Member at Large"; a position I was recently nominated to.
I also have a race this Saturday! 5km Santa Shuffle. Thankfully the forcast is for sun and -4C. I'll still bundle up though!
So when the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful... eat cheesecake!

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