I feeeel good!
Like Mister Dynamite himself.. I feeeeel good!
.. and why shouldn't I!
The weather's warming up; it's a balmy - 15C outside right now. A few more degrees and I can run outside in shorts! =p
2 more finals and a wake up and this semester is done!
Massage Therapy school is fantastic and I'm loving every minute of it but it's been a grind trying to balance it all.
School, working at Lululemon and "trying" to exercise and get my body ready to begin "serious" training in January has taken it's toll on my mental and physical well being.
Subsequently November turned out to be more of a "recover from standing so many hours at work" month which is fine. I'm glad to have listened to my body and taken the time needed for it to adapt to these new demands placed upon it.
I'm really looking forward to the Christmas break where I can catch up on some really important reading.

Yeah, I can't wait for the Christmas break! ;)
Had a nice ride on the trainer today at the Y, did some core on the ball then some yoga.
Duration: 1 hr 4 min
Distance: 27 km (est)
AvHR: 132 (67% MHR, zone 2)
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